Our expertise extends to serving as a Expert Programme Advisor, specialising in construction, road, and civil engineering projects within the Republic of Ireland. We have a proven track record of working alongside Government entities, Local Authorities, and both main Contractors and subcontractors. Furthermore, we’ve lent our expertise to support legal professionals in European arbitration hearings.

In-Depth Knowledge and Diverse Contract Expertise

Our team boasts extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with a wide array of standard contract forms. These encompass prominent agreements such as NEC 4, Public Works Contracts, RIAI (Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland), FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers), and JCT (Joint Contracts Tribunal) Employer Designed and Design and Build contracts.

Our prowess as Expert Programme Advisor is underpinned by a deep understanding of the intricate nuances within these contracts. We have successfully navigated the complexities of these agreements, ensuring our clients receive the expert guidance necessary to protect their interests and make informed decisions.

Your Trusted Partner in Legal Matters

When you require the services of an Expert Witness or Advisor with an unparalleled understanding of construction and engineering projects, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are committed to providing insightful and effective support, whether you are a government agency, a local authority, a contractor, or a subcontractor. Our goal is to help you navigate the legal landscape with confidence, ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and discover how our expertise can benefit you.