Navigating Construction Disputes: Understanding, Resolution, and Beyond

Construction disputes are an inherent part of the industry, transcending project types and sizes. They often revolve around three core aspects: Time, Cost, and Quality, or sometimes, a combination thereof. Within the framework of most standard contracts, provisions for time-related programmes exist, enabling parties to claim “Extension of Time” and compensation when necessary.

However, in the complex realm of construction, these provisions aren’t always utilised, and in some instances, they are overlooked entirely. When such clauses are neglected, or when a claimant becomes “Time-Barred” due to contractual constraints, construction disputes can rear their heads.

While construction disputes may not be the desired outcome for most contracting parties, they are a reality that can manifest on projects, whether large or small. The prospect of these disputes can be daunting, as they invariably impact the critical dimensions of Time, Cost, and Quality.

Root Causes and Diverse Scenarios

Construction disputes can originate from various sources, including third-party delays. For instance, a delay in utility connection can ripple through a project, affecting commissioning activities and project timelines. Additionally, unforeseen events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which significantly impacted the Irish construction industry from 2020 to 2022, can lead to complex disputes.

Resolution and Practical Solutions

Within standard building contracts, express terms and conditions pertaining to dispute resolution are typically outlined. Navigating these terms and conditions requires a deep understanding of construction law and industry dynamics. That’s where we come in.

At our core, we specialise in advising both claimants and defendants in time-related disputes, offering pragmatic solutions that align with the unique intricacies of each case. Our goal is to guide contracting parties toward effective dispute resolution and minimise the impact on the vital aspects of Time, Cost, and Quality.

Construction disputes are a challenging reality, but with the right expertise and a commitment to practical solutions, they can be managed and resolved, allowing construction projects to move forward with confidence and success.

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and discover how our expertise can benefit you.