Since our establishment in 2007, we have been dedicated to providing exceptional expertise in time-related delay analysis services for both Contractors and Employers. Our experience extends to working collaboratively as part of a team or independently as a programme expert/advisor, serving the interests of both Employers and Contractors.

We understand that as with all construction project “Time is Money” Whether you are the Employer or the Contractor we can help with any Civil Engineering and Infrastructure disputes.

Our practical knowledge extends to live road and motorway projects, where we have gained hands-on experience monitoring contractor progress while simultaneously preparing time-related and direct-cost related claims. We have successfully delivered road projects under the Irish Public Works Contract and NEC 4 ECC contracts.

Additionally, we have represented Employers in the evaluation of contractor claims for Extensions of Time on various projects, including roads, tunnels, bridges, and greenways.

For any Civil Engineering and Infrastructure disputes, do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.